Dipa Mas Mandiri

Developer perumahan di kawasan Parahyangan Timur menawarkan konsep hunian asri yang cocok untuk keluarga. Dikelilingi oleh alam yang hijau dan udara segar, tempat ini menjadi pilihan yang tepat bagi Anda yang menginginkan lingkungan yang sejuk dan tenang. Dengan desain yang modern namun tetap memperhatikan kelestarian alam sekitar, setiap unit rumah di sini memberikan kenyamanan dan keamanan bagi penghuninya. Terletak di lokasi strategis yang dekat dengan berbagai fasilitas umum seperti sekolah, rumah sakit, dan pusat perbelanjaan, membuat tempat ini semakin diminati oleh masyarakat. Jadi, jika Anda sedang mencari hunian yang nyaman dan sejuk di kawasan Parahyangan Timur, developer perumahan ini bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk Anda.

Dipa Mas Mandiri: Quality Housing Solutions for Families

Quality Housing Solutions

Discover affordable homes tailored to meet your family's needs and dreams in Pangandaran.

an airplane flying over a city with tall buildings
an airplane flying over a city with tall buildings
Custom Home Designs

We create personalized home designs that reflect your unique style and preferences.

Affordable Housing Options

Explore various housing options that fit your budget without compromising on quality.

Expert Consultation Services

Get professional advice to help you navigate the home buying process seamlessly.

About Dipa Mas Mandiri

Dipa Mas Mandiri is a premier housing developer in Pangandaran, specializing in high-quality, affordable homes for individuals and families for over 7 years.

worm's-eye view of buildings painting
worm's-eye view of buildings painting
a very tall building with lots of windows
a very tall building with lots of windows
a house under construction with the roof ripped off
a house under construction with the roof ripped off

Our Commitment to Quality

With a focus on customer satisfaction, we strive to create dream homes that meet the diverse needs of our community and enhance their living experience.

Our Projects

Explore our diverse housing projects tailored for your needs.

a row of houses with a red truck parked in front of them
a row of houses with a red truck parked in front of them
Dream Homes

Beautifully designed homes for families and individuals alike.

a view of a city with tall buildings in the background
a view of a city with tall buildings in the background
Quality Living

Affordable and high-quality housing solutions in Pangandaran.

man in black crew neck t-shirt sitting on brown wooden chair
man in black crew neck t-shirt sitting on brown wooden chair
grayscale photo of concrete building
grayscale photo of concrete building
Affordable Options

Explore budget-friendly housing solutions for your dream life.

Community First

Developing vibrant communities to enhance your living experience.

gray computer monitor

Contact Us

Get in touch to discuss your dream home with us today.